Monday, June 30, 2014

Beauty Post: For Everyone Wondering What's Up With Kylie Jenner's Lips!

Okay so lately I've heard people talking about Kylie Jenner getting lip injections and while Kylie has denied those rumors people seem to persist with the idea. I personally don't think she has, just because the family is an open book and if she did have injections I don't think she would care to hide it. One thing they're family can admit to is their use of MAKEUP!! Yes that means you too can have Kylie's Lips.
                                            Before                                  After

Step 1: Lip Liner 

And no I don't mean like this
 More Like This

And yes, you can go a teensy bit over the upper lip, but just a tad!

Step 2: Plumper 

Next you're going to apply the lipstick and blend it in with the lip liner. After that you can apply a lip plumper that will help your lips look fuller. Make sure to read all labels before buying any kind of cosmetics especially plumpers which sometimes increase collagen production to make your lips look fuller.

If you can't find a plumper or don't want to use one you can try applying thick gooey lip gloss.

Step 3: PURSE

When it comes time to take a picture purse (stick out) your lips like crazy but not too much. It might sound lame but you have to look at yourself in the mirror or camera and practice to see what works best for you. Try and make it so your upper lip is not completely tucked in.

Images Retrieved From: Here, Here , Here, and Here

A Question For The Ladies: Why Do We Build Up The Confidence Of Young Girls Then Destroy It When They Get Older?

A while ago I was watching the show What Would You Do? and I saw an episode about a young girl whose father was making her go get Botox. The whole point of the show was to see if anyone would speak up and to no one's surprise, many did. I found it interesting that we tell young girls that they're beautiful and that they shouldn't change a thing, yet suddenly that all changes when they grow up. Women continuously tell each other that they could use a lift or a nip tuck here and there. But what happened to that beautiful young girl who was once perfect the way she was? On What Would You Do? this young girl that was "getting Botox" was showered with compliments about her natural beauty and people were outraged when they thought she would ever go through with it but if the situation was reversed and the woman was 21 years old would our response be the same? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should encourage young girls to get plastic surgery or want to change their appearance. I just find it wrong that we try and build up the confidence of teenage girls so that they do not grow up to be insecure yet once they do get older its all of a sudden okay to judge their appearances.Why do we teach our girls to embrace themselves but later teach women to change themselves?

The Truth About Change

I remember a while ago I volunteered at a summer camp. One day, a speaker came to talk to the kids about growing up and what not. Suddenly, the speaker began to talk about change. He asked everyone in the room, "Who here is afraid of change?" Amidst a group of campers, volunteers, and counselors I found myself to be the only one raising my hand. The speaker then made a cheesy comment about how change is good and leads to great things, etc. I've come to realize that although I might have been the only one afraid of change at least I was the only who was willing to tell the truth.